Contiguous Ones Challenge
In the magical realm of CodeLand, your wise teacher has presented you with a captivating challenge to test your programming skills. You have been given a binary string X, a special sequence made up of only ‘0’s and ‘1’s.
Your mission is to gather all the ‘1’s together, forming a perfect block of happiness without any ‘0’s interrupting their unity. To achieve this, you possess a powerful ability: you can pick any index i (where 0 < i < n - 1, and n is the length of the string) and reverse the portion of the string from the start to that index.
Now, the quest is clear: determine the minimum number of moves required to bring all the ‘1’s together in a contiguous block. Are you ready to embark on this coding adventure and prove your prowess?
The line of the input contains a single integer N.
The second line of the input contains a string of length N.
1 ≤ N ≤ 105
String contains only the characters '0' and '1'.
The second line of the input contains a string of length N.
1 ≤ N ≤ 105
String contains only the characters '0' and '1'.
Print the minimum number of moves you will have to make to accomplish the given task.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Currently our string s is "00110111".
In the first move, we can reverse the prefix of length 4 i. e. "0011". Now s = "11000111"
Then we can reverse the prefix of length 5 i. e. "11000". Now s = "00011111"
As we can see all the '1' are consecutive now. Also there is no way possible to achieve the same in less than 2 moves.
Sample Output
Currently our string s is "00110111".
In the first move, we can reverse the prefix of length 4 i. e. "0011". Now s = "11000111"
Then we can reverse the prefix of length 5 i. e. "11000". Now s = "00011111"
As we can see all the '1' are consecutive now. Also there is no way possible to achieve the same in less than 2 moves.