Find Closest Coprime Stone

You have a row of ancient stones, each labeled with a number. For each stone at position i, you must find another stone at position j such that the greatest common divisor (GCD) of their numbers is 1, and the distance between them is as small as possible. If there are two stones at the same distance, choose the one with the smaller position. If no such stone exists, return -1. Your task is to figure out the closest matching stone for each one in the row.

The first line of the input contains a single integer N.
The next line of the input contains N space-separated integers, the elements of the array A.

1 ≤ N ≤ 200000
1 ≤ A[i] ≤ 50
Output N space separated integers, the value of j corresponding to each index. If there is no possible value of j, output -1 instead.
Sample Input
1 2 4 3 9
Sample Output
1 1 4 3 3
For index 1, gcd(A[1], A[1]) = 1, and abs(1-1) = 0.
For index 2, gcd(A[2], A[1]) = 1, and abs(2-1) = 1. gcd(A[2], A[4) is also equal to 1, but abs(2-4) = 2, which is a greater value.
Similarly for index 3, 4, and 5, gcd(A[3], A[4]) = 1, gcd(A[4], A[3]) = 1, and gcd(A[5], A[3]) = 1.
